Polls conducted in 2000
- Poll # 48: The Peace Process, Bir Zeit University Incident, the Status of Palestinian Democracy, Corruption, Elections for the President and vice-President, and Political Affiliation (30 March - 1 April 2000)
- Poll # 47: The Peace Process, Donors' Support, Domestic Conditions, Elections for the President and Vice President, Political Affiliation, Home and Mobile Phones, Computers, and Internet, and Satellite and TV Stations (24-26 February 2000)
- Poll # 46: The Peace Process, the "Petition of the Twenty," PLC and PA performance, Status of Democracy and Corruption, Elections for the President and Vice President, and Political Affiliation (27-31 January 2000)
Polls conducted in 1999
- Poll # 45: The Peace Process, Israeli Debate about Refugees, Safe Passage, Events in Nazareth, Refugees in Lebanon, Hamas and Jordan, Corruption and Democracy, Elections for the President and Vice-president, and Political Affiliation (2-4 December 1999)
- Poll # 44: The Peace Process, PA Performance, Status of Democracy and Human Rights, Corruption, Reform, Elections for the Presidency and Vice-presidency, and Political Affiliation (14-16 October 1999)
- Poll # 43: The peace process, Donor Community Assistance, Domestic Palestinian Conditions, Elections for the president and vice-president and political affiliation, Home and Mobile Phones, Computers and Internet, and Satellites and TV Stations (2-4 September 1999)
- Poll # 42: The Peace Process, Evaluation of PA and NGOs performance, Corruption in PA Institutions, the PLC and NGOs, Status of Democracy and Human Rights, Elections for the President and Vice-President and Political Affiliation (15-17 July 1999)
- Poll # 41: Barak's Victory and the Peace Process, Economic Conditions and Future Outlook, Perceptions of Corruption, Wasta, Democracy, and Freedom of the Press, Elections for the President and Vice-President and Political Sympathy (03-05 June 1999)
- Poll # 40: The Peace Process, Evaluation of PA Performance, Status of Democracy, Corruption, Death Penalty, Developments in Jordan, Elections for the President and Vice President, and Political Affiliation (15-17 April 1999)
- Poll # 39: The Peace Process, Donor Community Support, Domestic Affairs, Elections for the President and Vice-President, Internet, and Satellite Dishes (28-30 January 1999)
- Poll # 38: The Peace Process, Public Perception of PNA Performance, Corruption, Status of Palestinian Democracy and Elections for the PNA President and Political Affiliation (7-9 January 1999)
Polls conducted in 1998
- Poll # 37: The Peace Process and the Wye Memorandum, Elections for the President and Vice President, and Political Affiliation (12-14 November 1998)
- Poll # 36: The Peace Process, Domestic Situation, Presidential Elections and Political Affiliation (8-10 October 1998)
- Poll # 35: The Peace Process, Domestic Situation, Economic Situation, Ability to Confront Threats, Presidential Elections and Political Affiliation (30 July - 1 August 1998)
- Poll # 34: The American Initiative, Armed Attacks, Palestinian State, Cabinet Reshuffle, Corruption, Democracy, Election of the President and Vice President, Ownership of Satellite Dishes and Computers, and Subscription in the Internet Service (June 25-27, 1998)
- Poll # 33: Evaluation of the Performance of PLC and PA, Corruption, Attitudes Regarding new Legislative Elections, Local Elections, and Oslo Peace Agreement (June 3-6, 1998)
- Poll # 32: Evaluation of the Performance of PLC and PA, the Status of Democracy, Corruption, Attitudes Toward Proposed Legislation on Weapons, Political Parties, and Public Assembly, the Peace Process, and the Iraqi Crisis (March 5-7, 1998)
Polls conducted in 1997
- Poll # 31: Evaluation of the Performance of PLC and other PNA Institutions, Attitudes Regarding Proposed Legislation, and Political Affiliation (December 1997)
- Poll # 30: Elections for a President and a Vice-President of the PA, the Peace Process, Corruption, and Political Affiliation (November 1997)
- Poll # 29: Performance of the PNA, the Peace Process, the Status of Democracy in Palestine, and Corruption (September 1997)
- Poll # 28 : Corruption, Broadcasting PLC Sessions, Performance of PLC and Other Branches of the Government, the Peace Process and Local Elections (May 1997)
- Poll # 27 : PA and PLC Performance, Democracy, Armed Attacks, Local Councils, and a Permanent Status Plan (April 10-12, 1997)
- Poll # 26 : Abu Ghnaim, Armed Attacks, Permanent Settlement, Peace Process, and Local Elections (March 6-9, 1997)
Polls conducted in 1996
- Poll # 25: Armed Attacks, PNA Performance, The Palestinian Legislative Council, Corruption, (December 1996)
- Poll # 24 : Peace Process, Performance of the PNA, Performance of the PLC (September 1996)
- Poll # 23 : The Peace Process After Netanyahu's Elections, Freedom of Expression, Democratization Under the PNA, The Recent Arab Summit, The Performance of the Legislative Council (June 28-30,1996)
- Poll # 22 : Armed Operations, Peace Process, Elections, Unemployment (March 1996)
Polls Conducted in 1995
- Poll # 21 : Elections, Redeployment, Peace Process After Rabin's Assassination (December 7-10, 1995)
- Poll # 20 : Taba Agreement, Elections, Jordanian-Palestinian Relations, Evaluation of PNA (October 1995)
- Poll # 19 : The Armed Operations, Palestinian-Jordanian Relations, Negotiations, Elections and Other Issues of Concern (August-September 1995)
- Poll # 18 : Redeployment Agreement, PNA Performance, Prisoners Release, Electoral System and Other topics (July 6-9, 1995)
- Poll # 17 : Elections, Negotiations, Strike, Refugee Camps, Criticism of the PNA (May 18-20, 1995)
- Poll # 16 : Armed Attacks, Negotiations, Jenin Proposal, Elections, Economic Situation, and the Palestinian-Jordanian Relations (March 16-18, 1995)
- Poll # 15 : Armed Attacks, Negotiations, "Separation", Election, Unemployment, and Palestinian-Jordanian Relations (February 2-4, 1995)
Polls conducted in 1994 and earlier
- Poll # 14 : Negotiations, Palestinian National Authority and Opposition, Jordanian-Palestinian Relations, Elections and the Presidency of the PNA (December 29-31, 1994)
- Poll # 13 : Unemployment, Jordanian-Israeli Treaty, Armed Operations, Elections and Other Issues (November 17-19, 1994)
- Poll # 12 : The West Bank and Gaza Strip (September 29-30, 1994)
- Poll # 11 : Elections and Palestinian-Jordanian Relations (August 11-13, 1994)
- Poll # 10 : Elections, Economic Conditions, Palestinian Prisoners, Palestinian Police, and Jerusalem (June 30, 1994)
- Poll # 9 : The Palestinian-Israeli Agreement, the Palestinian National Authority, and Elections (May 31, 1994)
- Poll # 8 : Palestinian Elections, Participation of Women, and Other Related Issues (April, 1994)
- Poll # 7 : Palestinian Elections and the Hebron Massacre (March 20, 1994)
- Poll # 6 : Palestinian Elections and the Cairo-Agreement (February 19, 1994)
- Poll # 5 : Palestinian Political Attitudes Towards Elections and Other issues of Concern (January 16, 1994)
- Poll # 4 : Palestinian Elections and the DOP (December 12, 1993)
- Poll # 3 : Palestinian Elections (November 11, 1993)
- Poll # 2 : Palestinian Elections (October 5-10, 1993)
- Poll # 1 : The Palestinian-Israeli Agreement: "Gaza-Jericho First" (September 10-11, 1993)